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Registration #: OSB-E-S371
Birth Date: 04919/2000
Body Color: Black
Height: 16.2h


E.H. Sixtus
Flotte II
Dam Sire

Fandango was approved in 2002 by the German Trakehner Verband. At that time he showed excellent movement with his canter being one of the best of that crop. After being imported to the U.S. he was shown successfully in Dressage through 2nd Level, and also competed through the Preliminary level in Eventing. He is a maternal half brother to the S level dressage horse Falstaff. Showing the athletic diversity of his sire, E.H. Sixtus, Fandango has offspring competing very successfully in Dressage (through Intermediare), Eventing (through Intermediate/CCI3*, as well as both Hunters and Jumpers (through 1.0 meter). He has produced a Model Mare, who also was a Premium at her MPT (Independence Rose) along with another Model Mare who was Premium at her MPT and has her own Performance Bronze award (Alyce TL *M*Pr*Pb*).

Full Pedigree:

Fandango E.H. Sixtus Habicht Burnus (AA) Lapis (Ar)
68 Fenèk V (AA)
Hallo Goldregen
Stradelle Ibikus Hertilas
E.St. Isolda
Starlet Masur

E.St. Flotte II Istanbul Flaneur Maharadscha
Flocke IV
Idyll Abendstern
Flocke VII Catarakt Hortus
Flamme VII Donauwind *E*
Freude II
Breeder: Petra Rebhan, FRG


Performance Report:

Figure 2

Figure 2

a – 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
b – thoraco-lumbar joint (T18 connection of last rib)
c – last rib
d – lumbo-sacral joint
e – hip joint (pelvis/femur)

Figure 1

Horse Figure 1

a – the back (withers to peak of croup)
b – the body (point of shoulder to point of buttock)
c – the pelvis (point of hip to point of buttock)
d – the rib length (withers to last rib)
e – the shoulder (withers to point of shoulder)
f – the arm (point of shoulder to point of elbow)
g – the elbow to the stifle
h – the knee to the hock

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